Oh my god I had no idea you were Black
« First job, call it out wherever you see it. Make racism visible. » Dear The Good Men Project, Thank you for this #RaceTalk, for framing a discussion around discovering race and…
Details« First job, call it out wherever you see it. Make racism visible. » Dear The Good Men Project, Thank you for this #RaceTalk, for framing a discussion around discovering race and…
DetailsDiversifying your pipeline… Diversifying your traditional recruitment channels… « It’s not about the skills. It’s the will! » This from Torin Ellis resonates with me in this talk: « You see because…
DetailsThis evening, I have attended the presentation of the ‘Seeds‘ programme by Coopcity. During the networking part, I shared a conversation with an entrepreneur, female, who worked eight years in…
DetailsWhile talking about socioeconomic issues and brands, a former colleague told me something like… « Brands can’t get into political stuffs. Brands won’t take the risk to alienate customers and certain…
DetailsFellows, While attending a conference or book presentation a couple of years ago, a person of a certain age (not to say an ‘old’ man) engaged a conversation. He told…
DetailsPeople analytics… Is your team homogeneous (always has been historically?) and your company invests in big data… Which problems, conclusions and solutions do you identify and are currently working on?…
Details*** This article was firstly published on the blog page of The Eurocadres on 17.5.2016 in the section « Diversity – Inclusion. Access it here *** I am a migrant,…
DetailsProviding an answer to this question, Simon Sinek shared a story about one of the « most elite forces in the world » in the video below. « Team dynamics »… A digression first.…