Curabitur pellen tesque
Cras quis eleifend purus. In quis congue felis, sit amet mollis ligula.
Cras quis eleifend purus. In quis congue felis, sit amet mollis ligula.
« The event brought together over 200 representatives of NGOs, local and regional authorities, national governments, the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).
Rhoncus dolor – semper malesuada ipsumaccumsan mauris id consectetur sem! Phasellus quis risus eu risus eleifend molestie non ac nulla. Nullam et volutpat elit. Fusce auctor turpis nibh, id commodo tellus…
Red Auerbach, who’s white, is the first executive to draft a black player in 1950 and the first to hire a black head coach in 1966. He gave opportunity when it was not popular,…
« Race does not exist…
But race does matter. »
The elephant in the room…
Have you heard about the EU laws on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information?